Supplier Sustainability Hub

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Welcome to the Supplier Sustainability Hub, your guide to progressing your sustainability strategy in line with AstraZeneca’s supplier expectations. On this page you will find the monthly Supplier Sustainability Newsletter, our Supplier Sustainability Guide and FAQs on our sustainability expectations. For queries on Supplier Sustainability at AstraZeneca, please contact the Sustainable Procurement team.

Our Supplier Sustainability Guide is available below, providing information about our sustainability requirements and guidance to help you build your sustainability strategy

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24 January 2025


These FAQs relate to AstraZeneca’s SBTi requirement and process. For general SBTi questions please visit the SBTi website.

Does AstraZeneca require all suppliers to have a science-based target?

Every company* that AstraZeneca spends over 250kUSD with per year, irrespective of size or location must have a target that is validated by the SBTi at its parent company level as per AstraZeneca’s Sustainability expectations. Please be aware that this requirement is firm and cannot be substituted with other decarbonisation target schemes.

*There are certain organisation types that are unable to set SBTi’s and are therefore exempt from this requirement. These include:

  • Cities, local governments, public sector institutions and non-profit organizations.
  • Single Person Organisations
  • If Not for Profit (NFP) supplier is an academic institution.
  • An NGO 501C charitable, educational or religious.

However, AZ requires these companies to investigate and understand their current emissions, and to set internal targets to reduce them by at least 50% by 2030.

Does AstraZeneca require suppliers to set both net-zero and near-term targets?

Near-term is required. Net-Zero targets are not mandatory although we always encourage our key suppliers to set long term targets as best practice to achieve decarbonisation.

What information should a supplier provide to AstraZeneca if they have already set a target or made a formal commitment with the SBTi platform?

Please confirm to us the name of the organisation as it is included on the SBTi portal so we may identify the commitment and source the data. If your organisation is at a stage that is not yet visible on the SBTi portal, please share any acknowledgement correspondence that you have received from the SBTi by email. This document is crucial for our records and ongoing collaboration.

If my organisation has extremely low or zero emissions, do I still need to set a Science Based Target?

SBTi has a maintenance target option for businesses in this situation and so we would expect you to have followed this route.


These FAQs relate to AstraZeneca’s EcoVadis requirement and process. For general EcoVadis questions please visit their Help Centre.

Is EcoVadis a mandatory supplier requirement?

Yes, every company* associated with AstraZeneca, irrespective of size or location must undergo an EcoVadis assessment at its parent company level as per AstraZeneca’s Sustainability expectations. Please be aware that this requirement is firm and cannot be substituted with scorecards from alternative ESG assessors.

*There are a small number of organisation types, such as non-profits and government organisations exempt from EcoVadis and therefore this requirement.

How am I expected to score?

AstraZeneca asks suppliers to achieve a minimum overall score of 45, reflective of what EcoVadis considers ‘good’ performance. However, we also expect that our suppliers will use the feedback and corrective actions to further develop their ESG strategy and as a result improve their scores year on year.

What if suppliers do not want to undertake the EcoVadis assessment due to the cost associated with it? Will it be reimbursed by Astrazeneca?

To ensure we are partnered with businesses whose sustainability goals are aligned with our own, and that our suppliers are operating on a level playing field, we do not reimburse suppliers for EcoVadis subscription fees. The EcoVadis costs are tiered to business size to make the costs appropriate for varying budgets and discounts are offered if a 3 year subscription is purchased upfront. We encourage suppliers to view this subscription as an investment that demonstrates their commitment to sustainability to us and other customers but also gains them access to valuable insights and training that can positively impact their business.

We already have an EcoVadis assessment, how can we share it with AstraZeneca?

If your scorecard is published, we request you to share it on the platform with AstraZeneca PLC (not with ASTRAZENECA PLC (GROUP)).


These FAQs relate to AstraZeneca’s CDP requirement and process. For general CDP questions please visit their FAQs.

Why does AstraZeneca ask its suppliers to participate in CDP?

AstraZeneca asks suppliers which we spend at least 1.3m USD annually with, to participate in CDP to enhance transparency, collect primary carbon emission data, manage risks, and identify opportunities related to climate change. This information enables us to drive sustainable practices within our supply chain and meet regulatory requirements. Participating in CDP can help suppliers identify areas for improvement in their environmental practices, enhance their reputation, and meet the growing demand for sustainable products and services.

What happens if a supplier cannot provide all the requested data within the deadline?

AstraZeneca’s primary use of CDP is to collect verified emissions data across all emission scopes as well as energy related activities and progress. If a supplier has been requested to disclose to CDP, this information is considered the bare minimum of the requirement.

What are the consequences of not participating in CDP?

If AstraZeneca invite you participate, non-participation may affect future sourcing decisions, resulting in reduced business opportunities or exclusion from preferred supplier lists.

Who pays the fees for CDP disclosure?

If a supplier has been requested to disclose to CDP by AstraZeneca, the fees will be paid by AstraZeneca on behalf of suppliers.

Can CDP disclosure be submitted at the parent company level?

Yes, CDP disclosure can be taken up at the parent level but whilst filling/responding to the supply chain module, all the data of all the subsidiaries has to be taken into consideration by the parent company.

Inclusion and Diversity (I&D)

These FAQs relate to AstraZeneca’s Inclusion and Diversity requirement and process.

How do you define diverse-owned companies?

We recognise that the definitions of small, medium enterprises (SMEs) and diverse-owned companies vary between countries. The definition of a diverse-owned supplier is typically a business which is at least 51% owned and operated by an individual or group that is part of a traditionally underrepresented or underserved group in that country (e.g. female-owned businesses, LGBTQ+ owned businesses, Black, Indian, Asian, or Latino owned and other minority owned businesses). AstraZeneca uses the definitions determined by each country’s regulatory bodies to define a small business.